B 29 superfortress enola gay

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Some of its modifications included new pneumatic bomb bay doors and clever British release mechanisms to keep nuclear bombs in place until ready to drop them on target. It rolled off the assembly lie in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 18th, 1945. L Martin company, the eventual second half of Lockheed Martin. Enola Gay was manufactured under license by Glenn. These modified bombers were upgraded over standard B-29s to carry nuclear ordinance as its primary mission. It was one of only 65 ever built to the Army Air Force's 'Silverplate' designation. There's a heck of a lot more to the story than that.įirstly, Enola Gay was not just any Superfortress. On the outside, Enola Gay is a perfectly normal Boeing B-29 Superfortress Strategic Bomber. The most controversial single plane in the history of aviation, bar none. Not that it needs any introduction, say hello to Enola Gay. An aircraft that genuinely changed the course of history. Because on display at this official annex of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum is a plane that caused more profound amazement and abject horror all at the same time than any other in history.

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